Curriculum Vitae

Hi. My name is Tim Whitaker and I recently completed my PhD in Computer Science at Colorado State University. I'm an adventurer at heart who is deeply driven by the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Model Optimization

I'm passionate about optimizing learning algorithms and model architectures for superior performance.

Data Analysis

I love diving into complex datasets and uncovering meaningful insights that drive successful machine learning projects.

Software Engineering

I have over a decade of experience in designing, developing, and deploying robust and maintainable software.


Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

December 2023

Colorado State University

Dissertation: Subnetwork Ensembles

Committee: Darrell Whitley, Charles Anderson, Michael Kirby, Nikhil Krishnaswamy

Master of Science in Computer Science

May 2021

Colorado State University

Thesis: Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Reconfigurable Networks

Committee: Darrell Whitley, Charles Anderson, Michael Kirby

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

May 2015

California State University, Chico

Capstone: Real Time Web Performance Analysis

Advisor: Tyson Henry

Relevant Coursework

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Embedded Machine Learning, Image Computation, Natural Language Processing, Quantum Computing, High Performance Computing, Software Engineering, System Architecture, Algorithmic Language Compilers, Computational Theory, Stochastic Processes

Associations and Honors

  • Recipient of The Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation Fellowship at Colorado State University
  • Presenter and Technical Committee Member at international conferences including: AAAI, IJCNN, and GECCO
  • Session Chair for Neural Network Models at IJCNN 2023
  • Member of IEEE
  • Member of ACM
  • Member of INNS


Graduate Researcher


Colorado State University

  • Performed a wide variety of deep learning experiments with sparse reconfigurable artificial neural networks.
  • Research funded by NSF Grant 1908866.

Software Engineer


Kettle LLC. Design and Development Firm

  • Designed, developed, and maintained web applications and ecommerce sites for Google, Disney, Namecheap, Boosted Boards, LifeBeam, Peleton, MyxFitness, and Show Imaging.

Web Developer


Navigation North Learning Solutions

  • Contributed features and fixed bugs for web applications at The United States Department of Educational Technology, The California Department of Education, and The Smithsonian Center of Learning and Digital Access.

Web Developer


Market Fleet

  • Managed the design and development of a Magento ecommerce store and the integration of a custom marketplace widget/plugin.


Prune and Tune Ensembles

February 2022

Low-Cost Ensemble Learning with Sparse Independent Subnetworks

AAAI 2022

Quantum Neuron Selection

July 2022

Finding Performant Subnetworks with Quantum Algorithms

GECCO 2022 Quantum Optimization Workshop

Low-Cost Ensemble Learning

December 2022

Surveying Efficient Methods for Training Multiple Deep Neural Networks

PhD Preliminary Exam

Interpretable Diversity Analysis

June 2023

Visualizing Feature Representations in Low-Cost Ensembles

IJCNN 2023

Synaptic Stripping

June 2023

How Pruning Can Bring Dead Neurons Back To Life

IJCNN 2023

Sparse Mutation Decompositions

July 2023

Fine Tuning Deep Neural Networks with Subspace Evolution

GECCO 2023

Subnetwork Ensembles

October 2023

Theoretical Insights and Empirical Investigations

PhD Dissertation

Stochastic Subnetwork Annealing

May 2024

A Regularization Technique for Fine Tuning Pruned Subnetworks

In Review (ICLR 2024)